
l i f e

You know why this life is worth living? Think of all the people out there, living their lives, unaware they live on a small, insignificant globe in an insignificant solar system in an insignificant galaxy that is so big it’s hard to think about. We’re all held on the surface by who-knows-what, and we can breathe what they call ‘air’ inside an atmosphere outside of which there is void and vacuum. All these people hardly realize what this means. It means, quite simply, LIFE is a miracle. All life. Somewhere out there someone is holding their new, tiny baby who just, just stopped crying their first cry. On this tiny little planet, totally unique. And the universe is such a big, big place. There are other planets, sure, but there are also other stars, that we’ve named after old things not believed any more, that fill our sky and that light took years and years to reach us, and it will still shine in our sky long after the star has burnt out. There are stars we can’t even see yet, new ones, that just formed, and there’s our neighboring galaxies, where we’ll never tread, that we’ve seen in our telescopes and things, and there are places and galaxies that only have a number, we haven’t gotten around to naming them yet, we might not have even seen them. And then there are the places that don’t have a name yet, we haven’t seen them, we have no idea of the wonders this place holds. We’ll never reach them in a thousand years, they are so far away, their light hasn’t reached us yet and won’t for another hundred thousand years. And through all this, these beautiful, extraordinary, dangerous places billions of miles and lightyears apart…
Life goes on on this little globe. There are birthdays and weddings to go to and people to love and laugh with and so many things to learn and find and explore and rainy days to sleep in on and sunsets to watch and cold days to be warm and cozy on and air to be breathed and truth to be found and songs to be sung and inside jokes to laugh at and love and love and love and YOU…
You are so, so, so

a l i v e.

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